Wall Printer:
The Complete Guide (2024)

This might be the most comprehensive guide to wall printers online.

In this guide you’ll learn everything there is to know about this wall printing machine, including:

  • The basics of vertical wall printer
  • Is there such thing as a 3D wall painting machine?
  • Features the best wall printer should have
  • What to consider before buying a wall printer 
  • Lots more

So if you want to learn about wall printer, this guide is for you.

Let’s dive right in.

Achiever wall printer


chapters intro to wall printer

Chapter 1

Intro to Wall Printer

chapters wall printer fundamentals

Chapter 2

Wall Printer Fundamentals

chapters common wall printer terms

Chapter 3

Common Wall Printer Terms

chapters myths about wall printer

Chapter 4

Myths About Wall Printer

chapters features the best wall printer should have

Chapter 5

Features The Best Wall Printer Should Have

chapters things to consider before buying a wall printer

Chapter 6

Things to Consider Before Buying a Wall Printer

chapters advanced strategies and tips

Chapter 7

Advanced Strategies and Tips

chapters intro to wall printer

Chapter 1

Intro to Wall Printer

chapters wall printer fundamentals

Chapter 2

Wall Printer Fundamentals

chapters common wall printer terms

Chapter 3

Common Wall Printer Terms

chapters myths about wall printer

Chapter 4

Myths About Wall Printer

chapters features the best wall printer should have

Chapter 5

Features The Best Wall Printer Should Have

chapters things to consider before buying a wall printer

Chapter 6

Things to Consider Before Buying a Wall Printer

chapters advanced strategies and tips

Chapter 7

Advanced Strategies and Tips


Intro to Wall Printer

What is a Wall Printer?

Wall printer (also known as “wall printing machine”, “mural painting machine” or “wall art machine”) is a type of inkjet printer that prints pictures directly on walls, or other vertical surfaces.

Types of Wall Printer

There are three types of wall printers so far:

Water-based Ink Wall Printer, Latex Ink Wall Printer and UV Ink Wall Printer. Which, as the names suggest, are defined by the type of ink they use.

The water-based and latex ink type was first invented, but soon after, with the UV printing technology being introduced, UV Wall Printer was created and took the market by storm for its absolutely stunning performance.

The UV-curable inks used by uv wall printer

A set of UV curable inks (5,000ml)

Which Type of Wall Printer Should I Choose?

Choosing between water-based, latex and UV ink wall printers depends on a number of factors, including application, environmental concern, budget and desired production efficiency.

If we only look at printing results, then wall printers with UV-curable inks are more recommended now.

And the reason is simple: it creates sharper images with finer dots, and has a much wider application.

What is Wall Printer Used For?

Wall printer is mainly used to decorate walls, either indoors or outdoors.

And nearly all materials can be printed on (based on UV wall printer), including:

  • Concrete
  • Brick
  • Wood
  • Glass
  • Acrylic
  • Metal
  • Ceramic tiles
  • Stone
  • Plaster
  • Plastics
  • Leather
  • Paper
  • Cardboard
  • And more…


So that’s the big upside of a wall printer: it’s very widely available. Random street graffiti? Tempting steakhouse poster? Or catchy slogans in the office? Yes, you cover them all.

According to technavio’s report, the wall decor market is experiencing an enlargement of its size.

Which means, you might be able to strike gold by grasping this opportunity.

The wall decor market report in 2021-2025

Technoavio’s report

How Much is a Wall Printer?

Wall printer price depends on the configuration and supplier that you choose. And generally ranges from $3,500 to $15,000.

Yup, wall printers can be cheap.

But you might want to consider your budget wisely.

Why? Because you’re not only buying the machine, but also the client service that comes after it. And it’s IMPORTANT for any precision instrument. Like an inkjet wall printer.

Learn more about wall printing machine costs in our latest article: Wall Printer Price: What to Expect and How to Save

Is Wall Printer better than Wall Artist?

My answer is NO.

To be honest: I prefer craftsmanship over robots. In short, wall artists are creating. Yet wall printers are only copying.

Though they could really get the “copy job” done well.


Wall Printer Fundamentals

In this chapter, I’ll walk you through the fundamentals of wall printers.

So if you’re new to this machine, or want to make sure you’re on the right track, you’ll love this chapter.

Then, in later chapters, we’ll cover terms, features and advanced tips.

But for now, let’s cover the basics of this wall art printer.

chapter wall printer fundamentals


Printhead is the component that sprays the inks onto the surfaces.

A fit printhead is the difference between a mural printing machine that works well…and one that fails.


Here’s why printhead is so important:

First, it sets the precision and efficiency.

Second, not all printheads are suitable for vertical surfaces.

Commonly used includes:

  • EPSON 3200
  • EPSON 4720
  • EPSON TX800 (DX10)
  • RICOH GH2220 (Used by German wallPen)
A brand new Epson dx7 printhead for wall printer

Brand new Epson DX7 printhead Kivo uses


Well, they are water-based and UV-curable inks.

As wall printer machines are designed to use only one type of ink each, so they also defined the types of wall printers.

In other words: the difference between the inks is just the difference between the two machines.

Interaction Method

You may have noticed that some vertical printing machines have a touch screen, and some don’t.

The screen has a built-in PC, therefore you can control the machine either with a mouse or directly using your hand.

With the second type, you can use your own laptop or tablet to operate with a cable connected.

There’s also a type that uses wireless control, which has a certain requirement for data transmission.

All these methods can achieve the same effect, and there is not much difference in actual printing and experience.

built-in computer for Achiever wall printer

Interface of KIVO-S series UV Wall Printer

RIP Software

RIP is short for “Raster Image Processor” (Wikipedia).

A RIP software help convert images files into formats that a printer can read and print.

Same thing with the printer for walls. The RIP software is usually provided along with the machine.

Most wall printers made in China use a third-party RIP software named “MainTop“. 

The MainTop RIP software Achiever wall printer uses

Some wall printer suppliers, like wallPen GmbH (a vertical printer company based in Germany) even invented their own image processing software. Pretty cool.

Printing Control Software

After the image was processed with RIP, it’s time to move on to the only other software.

(Yes, to finish a wall print you only need to deal with two softwares.)

Here comes the printing control software. On it you will have to complete the setup for printing, including confirming the actual size of final print, where exactly on the wall to print fro and the speed model.

It’s also where you adjust the printer’s distance to the wall and pause the process as in work.

Driven by motherboard, control software incorporates advanced functions to reach reliable and efficient performance.

Which we will cover in Chapter 5.


Common Wall Printer Terms

Here’s a breakdown of the terms that you’ll run into as you learn about wall printers.

Inkjet: A method of computer printing that sprays colored inks onto paper.

CMYK: The four primary inks used in color printing: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and Black.

Substrate: The wall mural printing surface.

Print size: The actual size of the image after being printed.

Dot: A droplet of ink on the substrate.

Pixel: The smallest unit of a digital image.

Resolution: The number of pixels that an image contains.

DPI: Dots per inch, the number of individual dots that can be placed within one inch of a printed image.

PPI: Pixels per inch, the number of pixels that can be placed within one inch of a digital image.

Drying time: The time required for ink to dry after spraying to the substrate.

With that out of the way, let’s get into the features!


Myths about Wall Printer

Do 3D wall painting machines exist?

If you’re searching for information about the machine, you might find many suppliers put “3D” right before the words “wall printer”.

The supplier of 3D wall painting machine

The key word other suppliers use on alibaba.com

I must admit that we also do that.  

Actually, the term “3D Wall Printer” is kind of misleading.

Yes, what the printer makes is only a 3D effect, and not the 3D we normally assume. Though if you touch the finished painting with your fingers: there’s really a thin layer of coating applied.

There’s even description like 4D, 5D, 6D and 8D…Geez.

You get the idea.

A coastal scenery with 3d effect by wall printer

Graphic with 3D Effect

Check out the T-Rex dinosaur we printed → Dinosaur 3D Wall Print

"Is that real speed?"

Most wall printing clips online share two things in common.

Really short. Insanely fast printing.

It is no wonder that someone would think they are cheating. Like what “Beerbessier” questioned under this one below. 👇

People question about the speed of mural painting machine

Wall printing video going viral on Reddit.com (Link)

Good question!

However, it’s not like the videographer is trying to deceive anyone. But because the video was edited time-lapse, and it’s just for better watching experience concern.

The full original video can be 45 minutes long. Imagine this.

Numbers are just too abstract. Let’s watch the video instead.

In only 32 minutes, our ACH-E-01 completed a 0.9m x 1.12m painting.


Features The Best Wall Printer Should Have

Now it’s time to cover some features that best wall printers should have, including:

  • Distance Sensing
  • Laser Positioning
  • Memory Function after Power-off
  • And more

Let’s check them out!

chapter features the best wall printer should have

Distance Sensing

When printing, the nozzle of the printhead can be very close to the wall surface.

If the wall is flat, it’s ok.

But if it’s not, you might want your machine to have a function called “Distance Sensing”.

This is normally achieved through ultrasonic sensors. Which can automatically identify the wall flatness and make sure the printhead keeps a safe distance from the wall. (What is an ultrasonic sensor?)

Here’s how the Banner Engineering ultrasonic sensor we use look:

The ultrasonic sensor for distance sensing

BANNER Ultrasonic Sensor (Made in America)

Calibration for Precise Printing

Let’s say you and your customer have agreed on the print size and position.

Then, you placed the machine.

But wonder: How do I make sure the printing lands exactly on the area as planned?

The red crosshair laser helps.

Just locate the left bottom point of the print and let the laser aim for it.

And you’re all set.

Power-off Memory & Complementary Mode

Imagine you are just halfway painting a poster for a steakhouse.


You were told the power is off…

…and it can only be restored until tomorrow afternoon.

Obviously there’s no way to finish the painting today. The question is: HOW do you get the machine to continue printing from exactly where it stopped before?

A function called “Power off Memory & Complementary Mode”.

Here’s how it works:

Each time a piece of data is printed, the software stores the location memory in its storage. When the machine stops, mark manually at where the positioning laser locates. After you come back, simply set the whole set back to place according to the mark. Then restart the machine and it will go on printing as expected.

Stitching through Feathering

As you’ve probably learned, the printers have no limit in width, but can only print 2 meters high at a time.

So, what is the solution for a 4 meters high printing? 

The feathering function can perfectly solve that.


Well, firstly you need to split the image into upper and lower two parts. Let’s make it 2 meters high each. Then print the lower part first but soften the top edge of it using feathering function. Do the same with the bottom edge of the upper part.

This will leave no gap between the two parts and look like a one time job.


White Skip Function

Apparently, the process of wall printing is transferring a digital image into a real vertical picture.

But, that doesn’t mean you need to print each inch of the target area.

In fact, good printers are now able to identify white areas in images and automatically skip them when printing.

Which has dramatically improved the average printing efficiency.

And, saved the cost.

Auto Clean and Maintenance

Apparently, the process of wall printing is transferring a digital image into a real vertical picture.

But, that doesn’t mean you need to print each inch of the target area.

In fact, good printers are now able to identify white areas in images and automatically skip them when printing.

Which has dramatically improved the average printing efficiency.

And, saved the cost.


Things to Consider Before Buying a Wall Printer

So you just learned what makes a good wall printer.

And if you plan to buy one, you might want to buy it from a supplier that can offer strong customer support.

The reason?

As a combination of high-precision components and technologies, the machine needs care and support. And most importantly, it’s still evolving.

Let me explain below:

chapter things to consider before buying a wall printer

1. Keep Your Eyes Open

You’ll find quite a few wall printer brands out there.

Yet what some do are one-time deals.

They sell out the printer but might not be able to provide after-sales service.

What’s worse, the printer looks pretty normal from outside but can’t print as expected.

This is likely because some of the parts equipped is just for decoration. Or their control program is not working well.

You do want to choose wisely.

2. Pre-shipment Inspection

Inspection before shipment is essential.

Not only should each part look good, but also the whole set could perform at its best.

Printing test it is.

Generally, it takes 24 to 48 hours.

This is a step that any reliable supplier will not avoid.

3. Training and Technical Support

As you saw, this machine is really something.

But before you get started, you’d like to know how to work with it very well.

Your supplier should prepare you for this.

So check out the training materials that come with your purchase. They can be videos. Mannuals.

In which you’ll learn how to set up the printer. Start the machine. Import an image. And print your first piece.

It’s equally important that you can reach out to them in later use for troubleshooting.

Pro tip: You might want to make video calls with the supplier when you first received the machine, or even remote control so that they could guide you for quick learning. Make sure they offer such a service.

4. R&D Capability

Vertical printing technology is still in its progress.

The question is:

How do you keep your wall printing machine up to date?

Cooperate with supplier that has R&D capability.


Advanced Strategies and Tips

Let’s cap off this guide with a set of strategies for wall printers.

Specifically, you’ll see how you can start a better wall printing business with:

  • Printing practice method
  • Other uses
  • What else to print

So without further ado, let’s get right into the tips.

chapter advanced strategies and tips

Create a Brand Identity

Brand awareness is critical for small businesses. 

So make sure to create a logo that stands out.

Then, you want to get it printed on the printer.

Like this:

Most suppliers would be willing to do this for you. Just let them know at first.

That way, whenever you post a video on Instagram or work in public, people know it’s YOUR business.


First Comes the Practice

So the first thing you need to do is get to know the machine well and grasp how to use it.

Specifically, do some printing practice.

But this can be tricky.

Well, becoming a good operator takes blank walls.

Fortunately, there’s an easy, low-cost way to achieve the same goal.

Adhesive White Papers.


This is also an approach that some of the suppliers usually use during the testing period.

The adhesive white paper for wall printing practice

Adhesive White Roll Paper

More Than on Walls

Just because we call it wall printer, it doesn’t mean it can only be used to print walls.

In fact, it can do a lot more.

For example, if you’re able to find a bunch of used wood pallets, I recommend using them to create wood pallet paintings. A niche of wall decor market.

Well, that’s where your printer comes into play.

Here’s what else to expect:

  • Door Print
  • Vehicle Graphics
  • Glass Print
  • Canvas Art
  • Shipping Container
  • Transformer Box
  • And more

Your imagination might be able to help expand the list.

Not Only "Pictures"

It can be a drawing of Van Gogh, a favorite anime character, scenic spots that many people go and visit, or a well-decorated Christmas tree. 

As long as it’s a picture. It’s covered.

Here’s some interesting ones:

  • Personal Photo
  • 3D Effect Picture
  • Business Logo
  • World Map
  • Corporate Culture Map
  • Flow Chart
  • Poem
  • Parts of a Novel

How does the last four look to you?


It doesn’t necessarily to be a “picture”.

Pro Tip: Images with transparent background fit white walls better.


I hope you found this wall printer complete guide helpful.

Now I’d like to hear from you. 

Which part from today’s guide do you have a question with?

Or what else do you want to know about the vertical printer?

Let me know by leaving a comment below.

chapter wall printer guide conclusion

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33 Responses

  1. Hi,
    We are interested in your product i.e 3D wall printing machine both for commercial purpose and local dealership.
    After vigorous research locally,we have realized a gap in this sector locally and therefore decided to venture into it.We hereby request you to share with us your requirements,conditions and necessary support towards harmonizing our future endeavours

    Kennedy Owino

    1. Hi Kennedy,

      Thank you for reaching out to us regarding your interest in our 3D wall printing machine. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you.

      We would like to let you know that we will be contacting you by email shortly to provide you with the information and support that you require. Please keep an eye on your inbox for our message.

      If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are always here to help.

      Best regards,
      Eric Liu
      Sales & Marketing Manager
      Kivo Wall Printer

  2. Hi Kennedy.

    I’m interested in getting a machine. Is there any way to contact you?

    1. Hello Sebastian,

      This is Eric replying. Thanks for your interest in our wall printers. Our sales will contact you by email soonest. You can also reach us directly on WhatsApp at +86 183 5320 9372

  3. hi I am Alemayehu Zena from Ethiopia, I want to buy wall printer machine and I want to know what type of wall printer you have.
    please contact me by Email- znalex21@gmail.com or +251912860874

  4. Bonjour,
    Je suis intéressé par l’achat d’une imprimant. Cependant je n’arrive pas à trouver une information qui me paraît importante.
    Je voudrais savoir s’il est possible d’imprimer un mur complet de bord à bord ?


    1. Bonjour Dechancé,
      merci pour ton message.

      En ce qui concerne ta préoccupation, en se basant sur la technologie actuelle d’impression verticale, aucun des imprimantes murales disponibles sur le marché ne peut encore réaliser une impression pleine page sans marges sur les murs.

      J’espère que ces informations éclaircissent la situation.


  5. Hola.
    Me encuentro interesado en la maquina de impresión UV para paredes, quisiera saber costos y tener una cotización.

    1. Hola Carlos,
      Gracias por tu interés en nuestras impresoras de pared. Compartiremos más detalles y le enviaremos una cotización por correo electrónico.

  6. Salutare..ma interesează care ar fi costul materialelor și de unde le pot comanda

    1. Salut Ionut! Vă vom contacta în curând prin email cu toate detaliile referitoare la costul materialelor și informații despre cum le puteți comanda.

  7. Hello Kennedy
    Would you please send me , types of 3D wall printers brochure that your cmpany are producing.
    Hamid Nazerzadeh

    1. Hi Hamid,
      Thank you for your attention and support.
      Our sales colleagues will contact you and send you the brochure for the 3D wall printer.
      Eric Liu

  8. Super tekst o drukarkach.Od jakiegoś czasu zastanawiam się na własnym interesem.Jestem zainteresowany waszą drukarką, poproszę o ofertę . Proszę o radę jaka drukarka najlepsza.

    1. Cześć Rdakowski, Dziękuję za pozytywną opinię na temat artykułu. Doceniam Twoje zainteresowanie naszą drukarką ściennej. ACH-S-03 UV to nasz najbardziej zaawansowany i najlepszy model obecnie, który może pracować zarówno na kołach, jak i szynach.

      Mamy przedstawiciela w Polsce, który udzieli Ci szczegółowych informacji na temat naszych maszyn. Jeszcze raz dziękuję za wsparcie i uwagę.

    1. Hallo Bennie, onze UV wandprinter kan afdrukken op acryl. Ik stuur je een video van onze acrylafdruk via WeTransfer ter referentie. Bedankt voor je interesse.

  9. Witam jestem zainteresowany kupnem drukarki ściennej uv ach-s,jaka cena i jaki termin dostawy

    1. Cześć Rafał,

      Dziękujemy za zainteresowanie zakupem drukarki ściennej UV model ACH-S. Nasz partner z Polski wkrótce skontaktuje się z Tobą, aby omówić szczegóły dotyczące ceny, dostawy oraz odpowiedzieć na ewentualne pytania czy wątpliwości, które mogą Cię nurtować.

  10. Witam mam pytanie gdyż posiadam drukarkę do drukowania na ścianie lecz nie wiem jak ustawic parametry duzego zdjecia próbuję ustawić wysokość zdjecia 3m szerokosc 2m lecz nie wiem jak dobrac proporcje zdjecia gdzyc nie wiem jak ustawic roździelczość ile pixeli po obliczeniu pixeli na cm nie da sie ustawic taliego zdjecia posiadam proigram mantop XPrin do drukarki posiadam tez awaryjnie Photoshop l

  11. Bardzo fajny obszerny artykuł. Od jakiegoś czasu myślę właśnie nad działalnością związanej z drukiem ściennym chętnie dowiem się o waszej ofercie i warunkach posprzedazowych. kravi87@wp.pl. pozdrawiam

    1. Hi Marcin, Thank you for your interest! Our sales colleague will be reaching out to you via email and answering your concerns.

  12. Hi Eric,

    I am from Australia, I want to know more about the printers and after sale support for the printers.
    Please let me know.


    1. Hi Manpreet,

      Very glad to hear from you. We have got back to you via email. Please kindly check it out for reference.


  13. Hello
    I want to buy this product too
    Can you tell us the product types and country of origin?

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